Building a Decoupled Site with Drupal 8 and Gatsby Part 2

Submitted by galactus on Thu, 04/30/2020 - 08:30

Today I'm going to discuss how to create a Gatsby recipe for Lando and in this tutorial, you will learn how to configure Lando file and add some additional spice in the recipe.

This is the second part of the blog post I created Building a Decoupled Site with Drupal 8 and Gatsby Part 1



ShareThis Share Buttons plugin Installation and Configuration

Submitted by galactus on Sun, 02/09/2020 - 02:17

In this blog post, you will learn how to install and configure ShareThis Share Buttons plugin to a WordPress site.

First, let me give you a short introduction about what is ShareThis. ShareThis is a platform sharing tool that allows sharing of content across 40+ social channels. It gives users freedom to share contents in social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and more.


Running Locust inside Lando Dev Tool

Submitted by galactus on Sun, 01/12/2020 - 06:20

In this blog post, I'm going to talk about how to setup Locust inside the Lando Dev Tool.

First, let's discuss what are these tools are.

Lando vastly simplifies local development and DevOps so you can focus on what's important; delivering value to your clients and customers. - (What I love here is I don't need to setup my docker container from the scratch it is already bundle and configured in Lando. I can easily destroy the instance whenever I wanted and spin up new one.)

Reading the release note is a must - Drupal 8.8.0 will bring you down!

Submitted by galactus on Thu, 12/05/2019 - 21:30

If you overlooked reading the released note in Drupal 8.8.0 you probably bring your site down. Failure to update the pathauto module before updating the core will result in this error message.

Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'path_alias' doesn't exist: SELECT AS id, base_table.path

You finally realize you have to read the release note:


WP site management using WP-CLI from scratch

Submitted by galactus on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 20:33

This is a sneak view of my presentation on the upcoming WordCamp Iloilo.

WP-CLI might sound a bit scary for others that haven't tried to use CLI or heard it before. It is not really scary it is actually fun to use!

You might have been thinking what CLI stands for and what WP means?

CLI stands for Command Line InterfaceWiki says:


Creating a custom module in Drupal 8 The undying "Hello World!"

Submitted by galactus on Sun, 02/24/2019 - 02:17

In this tutorial I'm going to show you a step by step guide on how to create a custom module in Drupal 8 from the scratch. We are going create a custom block that display the undying "Hello World" message.

Let's get started

  1. Inside your module folder(hello_world) create
